If you’ve come here, it’s because we have, at one time or another, directly or indirectly shared something. (may be a bottle of wine)

Before the construction of our i-Domain, the good old material contingencies of the wine world are there.

The 2019 harvest was almost exceptional and our vats and barrels are full, we must now consider emptying them for 2020 (you are moreover welcome for the harvest).

Becoming FOB (Friends of la Bouvaude) is reserved for people that we, or you, consider worthy to benefit (with moderation) from wholesale prices.

But it also means getting, always with moderation, information on the life of the vineyard and on the construction of the i-Domain.

And of course it means committing to help us with enlightened advice, again and again with moderation, to carry out our project, to give us opinions on our wines and to improve ourselves.

You can also get more involved

  • By creating a mini drop point (for your own friends)
  • Take free tasting courses (in Grenoble, Rousset or Paris XIeme)
  • Helping with work in the vineyard
  • Follow a 1/2 day discovery of Wine & Geology (Where we tase wines… and pebbles)

To become FOB, enter your email address below. Your account will be created immediately.

If you leave this page, you will see the "general public" site to see the FOB site you need to register

A password will be sent to your email address.

Your data will only be used to manage your registration and improve your user experience. Their uses are described in our privacy policy.